Drawings • 2000/2002

Created in 2000, the first white wooden Drawings were formed by furrows on a flat surface, or by thin slats in relief on that surface, suggesting abstract perspectives and geometric spaces that could be confounded with the real drawing plane. As with sculptures, light has a preponderant role in the apprehension of these works - with the displacement of the gaze, the white relief (line) disappears on the plane and only the shadows give visibility to the drawing. These works are presented on the threshold between drawing and sculpture, between being representations of spatial proposals and three-dimensional realities themselves.

“Edu Coimbra’s art is pervaded by the idea that when we superimpose language on the world, this ends up causing an inevitable confusion between the two terms. This is the case of the white Drawings, the lines of which are made from small wooden slats. The ideal of the white and of geometry fails to impede their desire to gain shape. The drawing, generally an unpredictable construction, an absurd geometric solution when checked against the standards of representation, are converted into thing, into tangible object.” (Agnaldo Farias)