Tunnel • 2000

wood, earth, iron miniatures
scale 1:87

“It presents a train piercing a mountain. Piercing because on the one side we see a tunnel which the train has half entered, and on the other there is the mountain being blasted through by the front of the train. Culture and nature. Culture as a battering ram that cleaves through nature with hammer blows. Or is it nature that rebelliously collapses over the artifice? The train track suggests continuity. According to the laws of geometry, parallel lines meet in infinity. The train is going but could return. It is, therefore, a temporary, albeit dramatically essential, situation. A moment of paralysis on a greater voyage. Like a blockade on a bridge over an abyss; like speech that suddenly decides to obstruct the passage of the meaning of that which it is supposed to carry neutrally.” (Agnaldo Farias)